
The List Auction



Link Referral

Traffic Digger

Free advertising

Sunday, October 11, 2009

List Building Magic - What's Special About List Building?

If you understand what I am about to say, you will know one of the fundamental aspects of list building. It is so vitally important that it could mean the difference between generating a healthy income or not. It is vital to your success online.

When most people decide they want to build a business online the process they usually go through is to create a new product, a product they are convinced will sell well and they upload it on their website. They create a work of art in the form of their sales letter and they expect the orders to come flooding in.

Years ago this was pretty much how it went. But today things are totally different. Today it is important that you build a relationship with your potential customer so that they learn to understand you and your niche and you get to understand them and their needs and wants.

The most effective way of building such a relationship with a group of potential buyers is to build a list. By building a list you also get the opportunity to create new products for your list especially if you know that your new product is precisely what they are looking for.

There are thousands of successful people online and no doubt each of them have their own specific business models of success. The one common denominator however is that they have build up a niche list of their customer base. You should do the same if you want long term, continuous success.

Without my list I could not have achieved the success I have today. My income grows consistently each and every month and I enjoy creating and marketing new products on a regular basis.

You can do exactly the same if you would just build a list.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing to build your list:

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing

Janet Cole is a powerful coach and online mentor. She has over 650 articles in print and has created over 11 educational products.

Article Source:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Spending Money on Advertising!

Do you want to know how to build a list of thousands of subscribers without spending a lot of money on advertising?

If you are not building a list, you may be losing money because the majority of your website visitors will not buy from you. In fact, it has been proven that only one per cent of your visitors will buy on their first visit.

Now that you know the importance of building a list, let me show you how to do it.

1. Register with an autoresponder

This is the first thing you want to do because without it, you can't run a sustainable business on the Internet. Aweber, getresponse and infusionsoft are all reputable companies, and you need to make your own research to find out which one is the best for you. Personally, I use the ultimate marketing center which is excellent.

2. Create a squeeze page

Once you registered with your autoresponder service, all you need to do is to create your own squeeze page. Many people will build a website with dozens of pages, but they will not make any significant amount of money online because they don't capture their visitors' email addresses.

3. Drive traffic to your site

The next step is to drive free traffic to your page. The best way I know to drive free traffic is article marketing. At a 50% optin rate, you need to aim 3000 visitors per month, and at the end of month one, you will have 1500 subscribers.

When you follow those four steps, it is almost inevitable that you list an optin list. And the more traffic you drive to your squeeze page, the bigger your list will be.

The bigger the list, the more money you will make.

Discover how to create your small business from home the right way, and then turn it into a $500 per day income when you watch this FREE VIDEO Training.

Franck Silvestre, is an Internet business coach. Let him show you how to Earn $1000 per month and beyond at

Article Source:

Sunday, October 4, 2009

List Building

Sorry there hasn't been a post for a few days but time is spent everyday sending out emails. Classified ads are sent via Becanada and a variety of online advertisers. I also use a company for which I have the software for called KT8, which sends to my lists of some 20,000+ email subscribers. We continue to use every method we can to promote our businesses. This leaves little time for anything else.

We are increasingly looking for ways to reduce the amount of time spent each day on the internet sending out ads. Sending out through one system like Becanada means there is a lot more coverage. We continue to promote through the newsgroups, press releases and all means at our fingertips.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Build Your List - How to Make Money Online With List Building

If you are just starting out making money online, there is a great temptation to sell. This may have worked years ago when internet marketing was all new, but for the newbie in today's market using a sales page and trying to sell something straight off the bat is doomed to failure. It is much better to create a squeeze page offering people something of value for free and build your list!

The problem is that the newbie wants instant gratification straight away which is why people fail online. Okay, you may get the occasional sale, however you are not list building. You see, the big secret is to build your list, nurture it by building a relationship and offering products to them. Not just once but for the entire time they remain a subscriber, hence the money is in the list.

So, here is what you do.

1. Create your free product

First of all you want to create a product that you are going to give away. My advice would be to visit forums in your niche and find out what people want answers to. Solve their problem by creating free information; this could be a free PDF report. Remember you want to focus on over delivering and providing good quality content or people will just opt-out.

2. Create your squeeze page

To get the list building process going you will need to create a squeeze page; all you need is a compelling headline, image, opt-in form and a few bullet points. This is no sales letter, so no need to add your sales pitch that takes forever to scroll down. Keep it simple, this is something that you are giving away for free, not asking for them to get their wallet out!

3. Autoresponder

To build your list you will need an autoresponder. This will enable you to send out emails to all of your subscribers with one hit. Having an autoresponder will save you heaps of time and is quite simply essential if you want to make money online. If you want to succeed online I would only recommend Aweber.

There is a short learning curve in creating squeeze pages, once done you can start to generate traffic. Then just take some action and build your list!

Get more information on list building today and claim your FREE eBook on unbelievably simple website creation. Just click here ==>

Article Source:'Connor

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The money is in the list...

We continue to use as many different aspects of advertising as we can. As I have already said we use safelists and we also use software to send out many emails at one time. List Auction gives you credits when you click on members emails. Add these up and once a week you can send out an email promoting your business. When you join you add a link to your account and that is promoted to other members.

Your credits get used and you continue clicking to add more credits ready for the next mailshot. It is a good idea to change the email so that the recipient will not get bored.

Traffic Swarm is another such system. Promote your business, click for credits and the number of credits are reduced as other members of Traffic Swarm click on your ad. You can also join a lottery with Traffic Swarm and you could be a winner and then your ad will get a wider coverage as you will have more credits to use up.

We are also using a software system called Becanada. You can promote up to 15 websites and then in rotation you can send emails promoting your businesses to a variety of classified ads.

You receive confirmation of the ads sent. There may be 800 email addresses on the list but they are sent out to further lists and that 800 can finally be 1,400.

The cynics among you may say how do you know that the ads are being sent out. Well we have received enquiries from people requesting further information, which is confirmation that they do go out.

We spend a lot of time advertising in the hope that we will in turn be able to make some sales.

Friday, September 25, 2009

List Building Can Help - If You Do it Right

The saying goes that the "money is in the list." It is true that list building can be a great way to use internet marketing. However, there are some things to avoid when using list building. Avoid using these common mistakes to keep your internet marketing campaign from suffering.

1) Not offering a benefit. If you are simply trying to sell something all of the time, your readers are going to get turned off and then they're never going to visit your site. Instead, offer other benefits, such as practical information. You want to drive traffic to your site with your list building, not turn them away.

2) Paying too much money to find out the "secrets." If everyone knew the secrets to the success of list building then everyone would have great websites that made them millions on a weekly basis. Some practical advice does exist out there, but try not to spend your hard earned money listening to the ones who claim to know it all. Most of the information that is good is free.

3) Not knowing why people should join your list. This goes hand in hand with #1. You need to know yourself why joining your list is beneficial. If you don't know then your readers aren't going to know either.

4) Flooding. If you flood their inboxes, you're eventually going to go straight to junk mail.

5) Forgetting that people read them. Check for errors, as well as relevant information. If you're not credible then people will not take you seriously.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secret Article Weapon - Download your free ebook now.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new ebook.

Secrets To Make Money Online - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.
Article Source:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The ABC's of List Building For Internet Marketing Success

The toughest thing to teach a business person who wants to get moving on Internet income is the concept of list building. The reason why is because it initially feels like performing blind archery.

If you are used to direct selling or consultation sales, you know that the process starts with a large group of prospects that then narrows as you eliminate the ones that do not fit the profile for your product or service. If you start with 100 prospects you might eliminate 90 and find 10 qualified prospects.

List building works in a similar fashion but slightly different. Your offer catches those who have an initial interest in your pitch. They make the first move by committing their information in return for your free offer. You build a narrative and a relationship with your prospects as you help them to make a purchasing decision. On average it takes over seven exposures to an offer or product before the average consumer makes the decision to purchase.

List building for your online program allows you to secure initial and ongoing sales from a large enough pool of interested leads. List building requires patience; it usually starts slowly and builds up with time. You will be required to know how to attract the right people and you'll need to know where to attract them to your site.

You'll also need to know the numbers it will take to make a profit in your niche and the number needed for escape velocity (that's when you've made a substantial gain in the lead generation business to make money with very little effort). The optimum goal is to use your list to generate more leads through referrals.

So what is the process?

There are about eight steps to list building that should be followed regularly and a few more once you get to a level of success that they will benefit you. Here they are primary eight:

1. Establish your niche and its profitability
2. Determine competitive strength
3. Calculate cost of doing business
4. Establish size for break-even point
5. Determine marketing strategy for your sales funnel.
6. Create offer and lead capture system.
7. Create follow up system sales system
8. Build a reward system for referrals

The sales cycle plays a crucial part in list building because your sorted lists will serve more than one purpose. The art of list building is not the same as traffic generation. Traffic generation is about casting a wide net of exposure to get people to your blog or website. List building is about collecting and managing your targeted groups of prospects that have specific interests and leading them through various sales cycles.

Michael Caporalini is an internet marketer who is also a student of the Alex Jeffrey's mentoring program and is dedicated to helping others build business online. Visit his blog for more free information and products that can help build your business online, that you can down load free immediately

Article Source:

Monday, September 21, 2009

Building a downline

We have been advertising our websites via a power submitter which has a safelist system.

A safelist is a mailing list where all members can send emails to each other. These emails are not considered spam because every member has agreed to receive them and confirmed their email address. A safelist can be used to advertise websites, business opportunities, promotions and so on.

We set up an email with email address and website address then send it out through the submitter.

It is FREE software that generates client and sales leads. You can literally reach millions of Internet users Daily with only a few clicks saving 100's of hours of tedious labour. Fully automated unlimited submissions to 1,000's of the most popular FREE Classifieds online that automates "getting the word out" to an unlimited number of websites [all types - worldwide] 200 times faster than you can do by hand - over and over again - effortlessly and automatically.

With this system you can submit your ads / promote your websites regularly to new websites as they come online automatically to reach even more people at no extra cost?

Increase and/or automate your profits, website traffic, sales and leads generation without it costing you a dime of your "ad dollars" - now or ever?

Effortlessly and automatically promote/advertise an unlimited number of products, services, opportunities, websites and more at the same time using state of the art automation that only increases your advertising reach over time?

Take unlimited advantage of free advertising opportunities worldwide on unlimited number of websites using state of the art automation on a repeat basis - daily, weekly, monthly...?

Instantly send your classifieds ads to 1000s of worldwide and local classifieds websites online everyday free and have your ads seen instantly by millions of people worldwide?

Reduce your daily work load and save 100s of hours or more of your time in manual work on a regular basis?

Automate sending your ads / "getting the word out" to an unlimited number of more websites - all types, in any language with no added costs - now or ever?

Add your own choice advertising/promotion sites automatically without limitations of any kind to laser target your audience and reach more people plus increase this advertising reach daily, weekly and monthly?

Submit your ads / promote your websites regularly to new websites as they come online automatically to reach even more people at no extra cost?

Drastically reduce your advertising budget / business costs?

Once the email has been sent, you receive an acknowledgement email at the email address you have used when you set up the email confirming the email was sent and it gives you information i.e. website, email, an extraction from the email and lots more.

A great tool to use.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Reading an article recently it led me along a slightly different direction towards a Blog Aggregator which is used by online communities to aggregate community blogs in a centralized location. I chose this route thinking that I may be able to find several blogs with the theme being "internet business". Initially I have opened an account and further along the line I will be able to submit my blog.

There are several blog aggregators out there. Some are easier to use than others. If you have more than one blog it is a place you can manage all your blogs with ease. Once you have subscribed to the RSS feeds of your favourite blogs it updates you each time there is a new post.

It downloads the new content into "My Feeds" so that you can read all the new posts. The updates are downloaded as linkable headlines and this saves a lot of time, you won't have to spend a lot of your valuable time visiting each blog's net address individually.

I have looked at a few and I have signed up to one Blog Aggregator. A few have lots of topics totally unconnected to business so do look closely at these communities. I searched the communities for topics on home based business and online business. There aren't many communities dealing with either subject.

Of course this blog, the newsgroups, marketing, advertising, using traffic sites, press releases, social networking and now the introduction of a blog aggregator are all designed to give me more coverage to promote my business. I use all these methods and many more. It takes a lot of time but I have learned a lot since my journey began and I know that I have much more to learn.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Xom Reviews

In my previous post there was information about newsgroups. I typed interbulletin into google and it came up with a site called xom reviews. It is the most amazing website to help me advertise this blog.

It is called I typed in my 24 hour business domain name but it would not accept it due to the fact that there is a forward slash in the address so then I decided to enter my blog domain name, hit the enter tab and a few seconds later up came my blog website address. The post came up with a description about me then information on my last post and the previous post. For me this has been a wonderful revelation.

I have looked at all the websites listed in the post by Peter Garant and there are quite a lot. This is how I came across xom reviews. I am also still searching for free newsgroups sites as there is such a lot to learn before I start spending my hard-earned cash and from the newsgroups I have already joined and looked at, some groups do not have a feature or discuss home business.

So you need to look very carefully at the topics and only post where there is a group specifically dedicated to your interests.

The search continues....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How to Access Free Alt Newsgroups

If like most users you are having a hard time looking for and using free alt newsgroups, it is likely because you are not utilizing the right software. To get these posts, you need to be properly equipped with the correct applications.

For those who are not familiar with newsgroups, they can be likened to an Internet forum with a broad range of subject matters. What makes free alt newsgroups different is that there are no moderators, so anyone can say pretty much anything. They can be created at any time and for any subject, so you can expect them to be chaotic, a little confusing but always interesting.

The first thing that you need to do to have access to free alt newsgroups is to install a news server, the software that will download these newsgroups. Some of the most popular ones are Usenet Unlimited, GigaNews and Astraweb.

Before downloading these news servers though, check your local Internet provider, because it may have its own Usenet application. It is unlikely that it will have the free alt newsgroups though, as they consume a lot of bandwidth.

Whichever news server you download and install, you will be required to create an account and you also need to install a news reader, which will be the application that will read the free alt newsgroups. You can try out Grabit and Alt.binz, both freeware.

An alternative way of accessing free alt newsgroups is through Usenet. Here you will need to use your web browser and through services like Interbulletin, Google Groups, Randori News. http://NewsOne.Net and many more, you will be able to enjoy the services of newsgroups.

Whichever type of software you use, there are a few things that you need to be aware of. First is that you can subscribe or unsubscribe anytime. Second, if this is your first time to access them, do not be surprised if the discussion (or thread) veers away from the subject matter; that is par for the course in a lot of newsgroups.

Another thing that you will notice is that people get emotional about a subject (this often happens). If this irritates you, feel free to just drop out.

Another thing that you should know about free alt newsgroups is that because they can have a lot of users at the same time, you might have to wait a while before you can log in. If you cannot access it right now, just try again a little later.

You might also be interested to know that these free alt newsgroups are not just about discussing things, but there are also some dedicated to pictures. Some groups are devoted to posting images of computer fractals, animals, celebrities, etc. Downloading these images are done the same way as you would the messages, as most of the software have a picture decoder installed.

Free alt newsgroups can be a lot of fun, and now that you know the ways and means of accessing them, you will be able to join in the discussions too.

(ArticlesBase ID #1198932)

Peter Garant is an Internet consultant and computer expert who has written many articles about online services such as Free ALT Newsgroups Info and Watch Movies on the Internet for Tech FAQ Web Site.

More about Newsgroups...

I am determined to join another newsgroup...but will I ever achieve this aim? There are a lot of sites to look at, some are now obsolete, others are way too technical for me. They say you need to have an account but then won't let you get an account.

The sites I have signed up to are not appropriate there are no threads about home-based businesses.

I have looked for an article and have posted it today and I suggest that we all look at it as there is a lot of useful information in it...and perhaps our task will be a little easier.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Newsgroups - a continuation

Well I have subscribed to another group called earn-while-you-learn. It is really confusing as I subscribed under business opportunities and now I am being inundated with sexy emails. Sex sells I know that but I am trying to promote the 24 hour website and the two are not really mixing all that well.

So to combat this I am in the process of making a second post, this time for the webcashstore site, the second website with Global Cash Flow Network aimed at the shoppers amongst us.

I subscribed to the earn-while-you-learn group thinking I would be able to exchange tips with other entrepreneurs, to learn what the movers and shakers are doing, but my post is falling on deaf ears so I am now looking at changing the category.

I have placed the second post and can't wait to see if this has a better result.

In the meantime I am still plugging away, advertising, promoting the sites, promoting adsense which I have to tell you has now produced £19.00 earnings. Which is fabulous. I just need to get more traffic.....this is SOOooo important.

Friday, September 11, 2009


The other day I talked about joining newsgroups.

Go to and set up an account. I used a google account. If you are interested in groups about business opportunities then click that link which will take you to a page with the headings Usenet and Yahoo groups. Below Usenet click on This takes you to another page. Under Messages per month click on 1 - 9 (1) and this will take you to, click this link and you will go to the topic that I placed on September 8th.

This newsgroup is free to join. I have sent an email to the recipient of one of the posts and am awaiting his response. You have to login to participate.

So a little bit of success. Now I am going to tackle more newsgroups. As I have said I only want to join free newsgroups at the moment so that I can learn and understand what needs to be done to promote my business.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Press Release and Newsgroups

Last week we submitted a press release to anounce the new business we are involved with called This was relatively easy to do and we shall continue to announce it in various countries.

We have had a friend to stay over the last week and are now catching up with the blog. We need to start a thread in a newsgroups. Easier said than done. I have never submitted anything to a newsgroup and don't know where to start.

We have googled newsgroups, again it says free but only for 14 days. Now I haven't a clue what I am doing or how I get started so to me a 14 day trial isn't really going to do much for me. I would like to have more time than this so that I can see how I can make a submission, the category will be business opportunity or home-based business but as to what and how I will submit is beyond me at this moment in time.

When joining a newsgroup you do need to read the terms of use and privacy policy. You appear to need an account or membership to participate. Let me say straight away it does not seem to be an easy process to join a newsgroup. One company is asking for a minimum of $2.50 USD monthly up to $125,000 USD (I hope this is annually). Then others say that you can have up to 8 connections, unlimited access which means nothing to me. I don't appear to be able to even get started or to sign up. So this is a none starter for me remember I don't know anything about newsgroups. Nothing seems easy at first glance. So onwards and upwards with my journey.

Some newsgroups have what you call bandwidth plans!! They also talk about 200+ day retention (I presume from this that if you get to the point where you are able to make a post that it will be around for at least 200 days). I could be barking up the wrong tree here!!

They talk about downloading software. The sites talk about gigabytes anything from 1GB to 150GB. What do I want with gigabytes? I am looking at usenet masters free trial accounts and it says Guaranteed no subscription! No costs!
Just enter your email address and you're off! So I am going to give it a whirl... The site says

Thank you for downloading the Usenet access software!
Best regards
Your team
If your download doesn't start automatically within the next 10 seconds, please click here: Start download.

I have saved this to my desktop so I am going to look at the desktop and see if it is there. The icon is on my desktop and it is downloading. This process is completed and I have looked around the software, clicked on business opprotunities, downloaded a list and guess what ... it is in cyberspace as it hasn't reached me. I have downloaded the list again but to no avail. I cannot get started so I am going to leave this and come back to it with a fresh eye.

30 minutes later and I am still looking around the software, clicking on the headings and the wizard - nothing is happening here, he must be asleep.

Beware.... after all that I do not think this particular newsgroup is going to be beneficial for me as there is a lot of erotica on it and I would like home-based businesses or business opportunities.

The search is on and I will continue my quest to find a suitable list of newsgroups.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Grow Business With Better Website Traffic

Every business has an online presence today in the form of a website. This site could just be announcing their products and services. It could also enable customers to carry out complete business transactions online. What ever the case may be popularizing a website and increasing the traffic is crucial.

Only when people know about your business can they decide to utilize your services or carry out the actual sale with you. To achieve web promotion there are several methods that are being successfully tried out through the online community. Though some of these methods are easy enough to be carried out by the website owners themselves their success can be guaranteed if you take the services of professionals who are dedicated to online marketing.

A website that has informative content organized in an intuitive manner can be said to be user friendly. Further more it should load fast and not have too many confusing options for navigating through the various web pages. Such web sites once they attract a visitor will have no difficulty in retaining them. They will not only revisit but also are very likely to talk about it to their circle of friends thus creating word-of-mouth free advertising for you. Now that the importance of web site appearance has been well established you know to place the right priority for your site design.

Search engine traffic is the most sought after by website owners because usually it is top ranking in terms of the number of hits it generates. To make your site search engine friendly you have to make your web pages keyword dense. Keywords are the words that are most often used by people who search for a particular product or service they need.

When your website has those words or phrases naturally they will appear on the search engine results page. There is another method to improve your ranking with search engines which is known as link exchanging. In this technique you make deals with other website owners to reciprocally display their URLs on your site while they display your URL on theirs. So people who visit those sites will most probably visit your site. Not only this - a search engine takes into account the number of inbound links into a site and their importance to assign a ranking to a website. So if you choose the right sites - which are popular, relevant to your niche and have reciprocal linking with them your search engine ranking just goes up.

There are more methods like writing articles on your niche and mentioning your website URL subtly at the end and publishing them on popular sites, posting comments that are content rich in popular blogs dedicated to your field of service, creating and maintaining your own blog, social networking to promote your site, video promotions by putting up videos on your own site and at other sites like youtube - the list can just go on and on. Using these varied methods available at hand and being consistent in your implementation you can easily increase traffic to your site and grow your business.

Mark West invites you to increase your website traffic with our Free Online Smart and Safe Backlink Building Guide. Your source for FREE Unlimited Backlinks. Get your FREE copy today at

Article Source:

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Get Website Traffic (Free!)

We have to ask ourselves,"are we going to keep paying for traffic, or are we going to learn how to get it for free?" There are many systems that will show you how to get lots and lots of traffic, if you pay them of course. Don't go and invest in another course until you have read this article.

There are countless programs on the Internet that all claim to help us find the holy grail of traffic. Well, in a way they are right, we are helping them to buy their 'holy grail' but not our own. I must confess, I have helped some of these sites make a lot of money, my money that is. What is needed is more simplified approach. I found I was spending way more than I was making. I had to start doing things that actually worked.

You can actually start to build up your website traffic on an extremely small budget (if any at all). There are a few ways to get lots of free traffic, we just have to ask the right questions.

Take it from one who has spent the last few years searching for the perfect way to get website traffic. I have finally found (it was staring me in the face) that it is true that by writing and publishing your own articles, your traffic to your website will increase accordingly.

Even if you do not have any writing experience, all you need to do is imagine you are talking to one of your mates and explaining something to them. There are people out there that are now starting to travel on the same path you started a while ago, they could use some of your knowledge. The thing is that this is a win-win situation because you get to offer some advise and in return you will be rewarded with free website traffic.

It is also important to put your website signature on every article. As a rule of thumb, 10% of your readers will visit your web site and some will purchase your goods. These are averages that are worldwide.This is a great low cost way to get website traffic.

Rob Hillman is a Free Web Traffic enthusiast. To find out more about how to Get Website Traffic please visit
Article Source:

Friday, September 4, 2009

Traffic Analysis - Easy and Cheap

There are a multitude of different methods you can use to do a comprehensive traffic analysis of your site. There are also thousands of Internet companies that can do your analysis for you, for a small fee that is. I was almost going to pay some of these sites until I found an easy way I could quickly check my stats for free.

If you conduct a search for any free traffic analysis sites on your search engine, you will quickly discover that there are heaps of them. To fine tune your search, you may wish to put some quotation marks around your search phrase. This has the effect of getting the search engine to return only finely tuned search results to you.

Checking your traffic analysis is something that should be done regularly, it is important to monitor your websites progress. Therefore it is far better to do this yourself instead of constantly paying someone for the task.

Once you get into your website main control panel, you will find a folder called 'Awstats', click on this folder which will take you through to see which domain you wish to check. This folder can be in the 'Log' section of your cpanel.

Now that you have opened your Awstats folder you will be able to see your domain or sub domains that you can check the stats on. Just click on the appropriate 'view' icon to check your statistics. Have a good look around, there is a wealth of information to be found here.

It is great, because of the wide range of information that you now have access to, this makes it possible for you to check your figures against other campaigns you are conducting and check the accuracy of them. It is also a good idea to have a look at some of the traffic analysis tools on the google website. These are all free and with compliment your traffic details.

Rob Hillman is a Traffic Analysis enthusiast, for more information on Traffic Analysis please visit

Article Source:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Continuing with the course of action to bring in more website traffic to my sites I have started using a system where I am able to place an ad which then sends it to lots of websites at the same time. It is an Ad Blaster and it sends to 100 sites in the one blast. I have used it once so I am looking to see if this has an impact on the numbers viewing my website before using it a second time.

Don't do too many different things at the same time or you won't be able to track what is and isn't working effectively.

Have you heard of a Link Directory Submitter? Well I am looking at using one as I would like to have some one-way links and reciprocal links to my websites. A reciprocal link is a website that will exchange their link with yours and so when you get traffic they will go to both sites. This would probably be easier to get and does have many benefits. Explore other websites that are similar to the one you have got and then contact them stating the benefits of exchanging links. What information have you got on your site? What do they have that you would like access to? They should compliment each other. This is all geared towards making your site a credible site, and a credible site as we know means that people will gain confidence in you and in time will purchase from you.

On the other hand a one-way link is much harder to get. If you have a lot of valuable information then you will be able to get one-way links easier but you should approach websites that are in the same field as you. It is no use mixing cats with cushions, there will be no benefits to exchanging links.

We have found lots of paid and free Directory Submitters and intend looking at the pros and cons over the next few days to start using these to promote the website. There are benefits to using all of these systems alongside the traffic sites and we are determined to keep pursuing a more intensified flow of traffic to our websites.

Monday, August 31, 2009


Site traffic is the most important part of having an online business. If you haven't got traffic then you haven't got a business. Traffic drives a customer to view your website look at the products on offer and possibly make a purchase.

A sale means you are starting to create an income for yourself. But this is not the end of the matter, after sales is equally important and emails promoting new products are essential for generating future business and sales. It is important to create a desire in people viewing your site to want to have that item or the lifestyle and building a relationship isn't easy but if you consistently send them newsletters and add personal info about yourself so that they can see that a real and genuine person is corresponding with them this will give you credibility which is very important. But I am leaping ahead and what we need to do is focus on us getting the traffic in the first instance.

All types of advertising need to be done. Classified Ads online, newspapers, handing out business cards, sending emails to all your contacts, advertising on traffic sites, the list is never ending. But these all need to be done so that your website is getting a wide coverage.
Joining forums and other communities spreads the word, writing articles can lead traffic to your site. Use Viral Marketing, exchange and trade links with other sites, it is mind-blowing and it could drive you to distraction but you need to stay focused.

You know how to eat an elephant don't you? ONE BITE AT A TIME and that is what I am learning to do with all of this information. One thing at a time. I have been promoting the website through constant advertising online and from the stats on the website it is filtering through. Not only that but my earnings have increased with Google Adsense. I have now earned £2.63 and I only opened the Google Adsense account in late July. You may laugh and scoff but to me this has been a monumental step in my determination to make a living from my online businesses.

I can see that if I intensify the advertising and the traffic to my sites that I will be able to generate more earnings through Google Adsense.

I have placed 4 traffic website links above.

I use all of these and many more but as I keep looking at this elephant … lets take it step by step. You will need to join all of these. Just click on the banners and they will take you through to the relevant sites.

List Auction – is a list-building and traffic-generating system that helps you build an enormous list of double opt-in prospects looking at your offers. It's FREE to join! You click on links that earn you credits and these credits can then be used to send out an email to all their members on a weekly basis. They have some great tools and videos with easy to follow steps.

Fwebtraffic – This system is free, is viral and fully automated. You place a text advert on this site and then when someone else join their marketing system they have to click on yours and 5 other adverts and view them for about 15 seconds. All the instructions are very clear on how the system works.

TrafficSwarm – A FREE Traffic Generated system. Sign up, view other sites click and earn credits and you can place your ads into your FREE account and when others click on your website the credits are deducted.

Link Referral – There is free traffic, reviews and more on this site. Have you got a blog, website, personal page or affiliate link? You can promote all of these on Link Referral. You receive written visitor feedbacks on this site. Again it is FREE to join.

This is what all those others marketers have done to drive traffic to their websites and this is exactly what Donna and I are doing each and every day. No slacking you can't afford to stop... no trafficking means no sales means no earnings. The math is quite simple really.

More from me in a couple of days.

I would really like to know what you all think about this information, is it of any help? You can contact me at

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Make Money Online

Its been a hectic 2 days since I last wrote. Donna has added pages to her website It is a Global Domains International website and she has found them very helpful when she has sent them questions and they have been very quick in responding, with clear and precise steps for her to follow.

Nothing is ever straight forward but she has kept at it and has done a great job. She has added 4 pages one is called Make Money Online which gives information about the latest internet business we have recently become involved with. I might add that I am only going to give you a brief overview here and you are very welcome to call in and have a look at the website yourself. Donna is a complete novice, never having built a website at all but she is managing to add the pages so do not fear if she can do it so can you!!

The second page she has added is about Traffic Website featuring Fwebtraffic and The List Auction. Both have been used successfully to promote our sites to the point that we have earned commission with Google Adsense.

Another page is devoted to eBooks however she is having a problem loading the html code on to that page. On this page you will also see a link for WebRing a social networking site.

Last but not least is the page promoting my Blogs. There is this one and another

It really has been an enjoyable journey so far. I thought a mouse was a dirty creature that ate my crumbs and as for a memory stick words fail me!! A keyboard I know about as my wife uses one, but Motherboard well she passed away last year. There's hardware and software, I was a builder so I know where the hardware store is, floppy disks - well we wont go there or CD's and DVD's.

As you can tell I am in no way what you might say a Techo!! but we are still learning and although it is very frustrating and time consuming I am determined to break out of the restraints that lie within and take myself to frontiers where no man has ever been before, well not this one anyway!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Advertising, Banners and more

Have you tried to place a banner on a website?

We are constantly advertising and promoting on the internet and are about to take out a Press Release to promote our business

Getting lots of traffic to our Site is our aim! With advertising on a regular basis the traffic is increasing and I am learning the technique of promoting this blog too. I have been learning about placing a banner on my site, where to place them, how to place it and have also been looking at ebooks as giveaways for people signing up to my autoresponder.

This is all very new for me and the week starts and ends before I feel as though I have completed my tasks.

I have another blog called with My Story featured on it and it promotes the 24 Hour Web Cash Site.

I use Traffic Swarm and Link Referral on my own website called The Traffic Swarm site is for anyone who needs massive amounts of traffic delivered to their own websites on a consistent basis... for absolutely FREE!

Using their system on a daily basis will enable your sites to be seen by thousands of potential prospects 24 hours per day, 365 days of the year! And of course, you will also get to see thousands and thousands of interesting sites yourself.

Where to Place Your Banner Ad

When you put time and money into having a banner ad created, you want it to be effective and drive potential customers to your site. Part of a successful ad is where you decide to place it. You must choose wisely based on several factors. When deciding where to place your banner advertising, you want to look at the following:

Content of the Site

When you decide to run a custom web banner, you want to aim to get your ad placed on a web site that has content similar to what you are selling. For instance, if you are selling an arthritis medication, then you want to get your ad placed on a site dealing with health care, health concerns or arthritis. The more the content is related to your ad, the better.

Site Statistics

We talked about this in an earlier post, but you want to check out the statistics of the web site you are thinking about placing your banner ad on. Good statistics to know are the CPM, CTR and the traffic of that particular web site.

Location on the Actual Web Page

Generally banner ad advertising is the most effective when it is placed at the top of the web page. Aim to get your ad placed near the top, or as the top ad on the page.

Other Banner Ads on the Web Page

Finally, when looking at web sites to run your banner ad advertising, you want to look for web sites that don't have a lot of other ads. Think about it, when you are reading through a site and it is covered in ads, does it make you want to read each ad and click on one? No. So why would you want your ad to get caught in the jumble? Ideally, you want your banner ad to be the only one on a particular page.

Jane Stone is an online marketing expert and has consulted multiple small businesses on building effective internet campaigns. She currently heads marketing for an online banner design service.

Article Source:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Everyone should have a budget for their advertising. Budgeting monthly is probably more manageable and you can keep control much better, especially if you are new like me. I do not have a great deal of disposable income and I dare say a large majority of people are the same.

Your budget may be $100, $50 or $5, like me there may be times when it is $0, however much you have, it is more important that you make it work as hard as possible for you.

Use the google search engine for Classified Advertising, ads on-line or FREE Advertising and you will get lots of leads to follow up.

A word of warning....I have found that when it says FREE it is not always FREE!! You go on to the site, set up a free account, completing an on-line form, place the ad and then you find that you have to pay a nominal amount to proceed. I wish there was more honesty on the internet!! If you are required to pay why not say it upfront. I wouldn't necessarily be put off if it said from the outset that there was $39, $19 etc. to pay.

One ad I clicked on requested payment of $1. I duly completed the on-line form, clicked to pay the $1 then it came up with add-ons and I couldn't close the site down. There were in fact 2 more add-ons.

This is time consuming so don't forget to make a note of the website addresses that you are unable to use so that if you come across the site again you will know to avoid it thus saving yourself quite a lot of time and energy and frustration.

It is a good idea to set up a database with relevant information for each advertisement you have placed. Basic stuff you might think but hindsight is a wonderful thing and more often than not we get caught up and carried along when placing ads and find that we can't quite remember what we have done and where we have done it, let alone what user name we used and the password to go with it.

So on the spreadsheet have a column for the name of the advertising company/traffic exchange, website address, user name, password, email address used, membership number, affiliate number, what ad you have placed, the business promoted and the final column should have the expiry date of the ad placed. Colour code these for each months' expiry date, it will be easier to check up on what needs to be renewed. (i.e. red for January, green for February, yellow for March, etc you get the idea). A column stating amount paid or free will help with the additions so you wont blow the budget.

Another tip from me... set up a google mail account or other especially for advertising. You could use the name of your blog as the account name, if you are promoting debt, then you could try getdebtfree@ you get my drift and use that when setting up the adverts and use the same user name and password for everything then you are less likely to forget them.

On the other hand if you have many websites a general term may be better i.e. joinpeter@ or workwithme@ or information4u@.

Keep away from using your private email address because once you start setting up advertisements you will find that there will be a snowball effect and you will start receiving emails from people wanting information, others may want see if you would like to advertise with them, there may be one or two cranks aswell. If you use a traffic site you will immediately be bombarded by emails from their membership with links for you to look at. You can sometimes reciprocate and send them information about your business.

All this does take time but we have seen an increase in traffic to one of our sites since we started promoting it this way.

Do not forget the importance of a using keywords in your advertising, headlines with 2-3 keywords in the title will get picked up by the search engines. A keyword loaded headline like – make money online had 110,000 searches in July, make money had 673,00, making money had 246,000, how to make money had 165,000.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Google AdSense is on my website and on this Blog. I have been busy reading everything I can about Google AdSense as I have got some earnings through it and would like to increase what I have earned and done so far. Your earnings are based on page impressions and clicks, so the number of visitors to your web page or blog is very important. The more visitors you get, the more you will be able to earn.

Do you know how much people generally earn from Google AdSense? I have read that if you get 1000 visitors per day, you may earn $1 to $3 per day. However, looking at my stats I have done better than that.

I know the adverts say that you can earn $1000 daily but I feel that you need to learn quite a lot before you start earning money frequently. You also need to be spending a lot of time promoting, writing and reading as much as you can.

In the following table you will see my earnings:-

View: Today Yesterday Last 7 days this month - August last month - July All time

Page impressions Clicks Page CTR Page eCPM [?] Earnings
AdSense for Content top channels 68 4 5.88% UK£4.72 UK£0.32

So there has been 68 page impressions and 4 clicks to earn me 32 pence.

All I have to do now is keep on with the online advertising and posting to my Blog and I should increase that amount, sending out emails and everything else I am doing.

Of course the secret is in advertising and promoting and then getting people to follow me through this Blog.

This is a truly amazing way to earn and I intend to keep at it till I earn money regularly.

Friday, August 21, 2009

GOD SAVE OUR Google Adsense Account

I know I am a day early with this post but just had to tell you our news....A while ago at the request of Mary Gersten through her video tutorials we signed up for a Google Adsense Account through this blog and although we have been working in the blind so to speak as we have not done anything like this before we are pleased to anounce that we have earned 13 pence.

Some may scoff at this meagre amount but to us it marks a turning point as we have earned - YES EARNED and the first thing we are going to do is learn more about Google Adsense so that we can increase the amount.

Things are beginning to happen; just need to understand what, how, why, when and where like all good journalists.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Always look on the bright side......

Today I got up thinking what am I doing here, what direction should I be taking to help my search for making money while doing home working, the usual stuff really. My thoughts are that I want to become successful and lead the life that others only dream about and to that end I am absorbing everything I can about the methods used to get traffic to my website, to load up with keywords and to get that elusive adsense code working in my favour.

Today I have copied an item on positive thinking and since reading it I have realised that I am very fortunate as I enjoy what I am doing, I can work at my own pace and lets face it not everyone can say that.

The True Power of Positive Thinking

The power of optimism is not a new subject. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, author of "The Power Of Positive Thinking," became a pioneer in the self-improvement industry. He helped millions to believe in themselves and achieve success and happiness by harnessing the power of positive thinking coupled with positive action. He taught that the mental attitude of seeing the bright side of life is just another word for faith and is a topic that is always wrapped together with spiritual cultivation.

Positive thinking is one of the most important things you need to practice throughout your life. It is a way of living and a technique that you need to incorporate into your daily life if you have any intentions of changing things or accomplishing your goals.

When our attitude and behavior is positive, we allow only pleasant feelings and constructive images to work in our mind. We also visualize in our inner eye, what we really want from our life and how it should happen.

Although the mind is naturally predisposed to positive thinking, it doesn't like to change its thought patterns, and often subconsciously sabotages any attempts for looking on the bright side. When it's not natural, but forced, the results, at best, will be limited, temporary, and self-deluding. The true power of positive thinking is that it allows you to live life to its fullest potential without letting negativity bring you down.

Start with this simple exercise: Every evening, reflect on the positives of the day. Optimism is a mind-set that you must nurture like growing flowers. People with a positive frame of mind think about possibilities, growth, expansion and success.

Positive thinking is a huge personal asset and the key to success. Changing your attitude to look at the positive side of every situation is the best thing you could ever learn to do.

Kimberly C. Smith is an aspiring writer with a different perspective. Visit to browse a variety of interesting topics. Join this growing community FREE by clicking

Article Source:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our current position....

Wow this is exhausting but FUN. All this learning leaves me wondering just what I have let myself in for...

Today I have been through the ezine article site and lifted the following articles as they describe what I have been trying to explain -

Get Traffic With SEO Thinking
The Best SEO Tools - Knowledge & Common Sense

We are making progress and have got to the stage where we are promoting our websites through this blog, classified ads - making sure we use the best keywords we can, traffic sites and via the postal service. We have learnt that we need to do a bit of everything in the hope that we will make our way onto the search engines sometime in the future.

We are currently concentrating on RSS feeds to promote this blog - where do we start with this one? Part of our time, in fact most of our time, is spent reading everything we can lay our hands on. A lot of it is hype but its the facts that we need. Most of it seems very basic but understanding it is an altogether different matter however some people really do try and help you by explaining things simply. We find great difficulty in doing the most basic things first time as the instructions given are not particularly clear, more truthfully the instructions are beyond our capabilities. It takes a great deal of time and patience which does wear thin at times.

But we are in this for the long haul and we are determined to learn about RSS feeds, promoting the blog more effectively and keeping up with the adverts that we have placed.

We are also still waiting for the Google Adsense Code to be embedded on our websites which should mean then when promoting our sites we should start earning from people going on to the sites. Again all this has to be learnt as we are unsure of what needs to be done and where to start to get the best effect.

So we will continue telling you our story and look forward to some feedback and perhaps what you have been doing and how you started.

Get Traffic With SEO Thinking

To get traffic to your website, you have to understand how Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, works. To understand SEO you need to understand how search engines work. To put it bluntly search engines have workers and thinkers, spiders and indexers. The spiders collect as many documents as they can and brings them to the indexer. The indexers 'reads' them and then applies an algorithm to the TEXT ONLY, very important to remember, and awards it a score in order to present only relevant search results. The key then to applying SEO effectively is to write content with this algorithm in mind.

A SEO pro could easily take days of your time to discuss the ins and outs of search engine optimization. And since the algorithms for search engines change every now and then, they might have reason to have so much to say. In my opinion SEO should not take too much of your time really, it's always better to write compelling content for people as oppose to machines. If you remember the following 4 highlights you should do just fine in the long run.

So, mental note to self, remember the following 4 headlines:

• Keyword prominence
• Proximity
• Density
• Frequency

Keyword prominence is exactly what it says; make your keywords prominent. Put them at the top of every page, put them in the titles headers and in the first paragraph of your text. Apparently it's even important to put keywords at the start of a sentence. 'SEO I must learn', if you're a Star Wars fan. If you think about it, it actually makes sense. If you have a page with 'get traffic' in the name, 'get traffic in the title, and 'get traffic' mentioned numerously in the first paragraph, I'm guessing that the article is about getting traffic.

Keyword proximity refers to how close keywords are situated to each other. You must have heard of that age old saying: "Keywords of a feather flock together". This should actually come pretty naturally if you're writing about a certain subject.

Keyword frequency indicates to the search engine that you are staying on subject and that the whole article is definitely about 'get traffic'. This again makes a lot of sense, if you have a lot of 'get traffics' at the start of your article and none at the end then you may have lost the plot and the search engines don't like that. If you constantly refer to the same words then that article is probably about that subject and then relevant to the search.

Keyword density is a holistic view of your entire article and is measured as a percentage. This article is about 700 words long and 'get traffic' is mentioned about 10 times. That gives me a keyword density of 1.5% for the key phrase 'get traffic'. Because spammers, and especially pornographers, have caught on to this search engines probably flag sites that have ridicules keyword densities. The recommended density for your keywords should be in the range of 3-7%. Just as a side note, words such as 'is', 'our' and 'the' are not counted.

As you probably noticed all 4 of these SEO factors are rather closely related. And throughout this article we only used one key phrase, being 'get traffic'. Now imagine you had 10 keywords that you want to get ranked for. If you were too concerned about SEO, you would either write something that would make little sense to a real person, or simply considered spam. I said it once and I'll say it again: it's much better for your readers and your sanity just to produce good and accurate content. That's what really gets your traffic.

So, in a nutshell, you want to remember:

• Search engines only read text, so include at least 100 words in every page text
• Use keywords at the beginning of the page, paragraphs
• Place keywords close to each other
• Repeat keywords 3-7 times for every 100 words
• Get traffic

Gill Taylor (lead reviewer) FBW we believe that getting your head in the game is as important as getting you money in the bank. Join the FBW Newsletter and we'll give you a free book specially written to get you going in the right direction. This book is absolutely essential to learning some of the important stuff the experts use every single day. Join here.

Article Source:

The Best SEO Tools - Knowledge & Common Sense

I want to preface my comments by saying I am always interested in keeping up with the latest trends in SEO and Search Engine marketing. Certainly there are many great thinkers and marketers with cutting edge ideas and concepts. However, over the past 15 years two things have remained the same. Knowledge and Common Sense have always produced results.

You can get overwhelmed with the 150+ items that Google looks at when ranking a site. You can read the pros and cons of page rank and get caught up in taking one side or another. In the end, it comes down to this; if you follow the top five rules, you will have success. The first issue with that is that most people do not know what those rules are (Lack of Knowledge). I am going to spell them for you here...not necessarily in order.

1. The Right Keyword(s) campaign
2. A URL or file name with those keywords: First word being the most important. Example: or bankruptcy-attorney.html
3. A Title rich in Keywords; There is a reason the word "Home" has such huge result numbers in the search engines. Most people make a homepage which they simple label HOME. How tragic is that?
4. Content rich in Keywords. Google would lead you to believe Content is King. Who am I to dispute? I will tell you is that it is a BOT that determines this. Content rich in Keywords is important. Spamming words does not work. My suggestion is write your own fresh content and when you are through writing go back through it and look for opportunities to use your keywords where they make sense. Hopefully this has happened naturally.
5. Link Popularity - The hardest one because it actually requires work. Reciprocal Links no longer work. Who links to you, and their importance are what matters most to the search engines.

Following these 5 rules will put you ahead of 90% of the field. That's 80% knowledge 10% common sense and the other 10% is skill.

John Fazio is an expert in the field of Lead Generation. His powerful Demand Lead Generation program is helping clients of all sizes from various industries.

Article Source:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Families and all that they bring

As I mentioned yesterday my nephews have been visiting. They adapt so quickly to new surroundings. They have been enjoying playing games on the computer and take everything in their stride.

They laugh at me and my wife as we struggle to get to grips with the latest technology. We have only just learned what a "DS" is. One of the boys is 5 and the other is 8. Cieran and Ryan are lovely lads and I can see over the coming years that nothing is going to faze them. They just embrace everything that is new and challenging.

Perhaps I should get them to teach us a few things about the internet!!
I am pleased to say that we have managed to upload the photos. I hope you enjoy looking at them and all I have to say is have a great weekend and I'll talk to you very soon.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Algorithms and more

We have had a hectic week this week as our two young nephews came to visit us. They go on the computer and do allsorts with it. They have no fear and laugh when things don't go right for me and my wife.

The image on the profile was a doddle to upload but adding an image to this post has been difficult and we have failed miserably. But we are determined and will try and learn all about adding images to the blog and will let you know how to do it once we have mastered the art.

My internet connection has been down for most of today which is a bit of a bummer. Have you ever felt like tearing your hair out well right now that’s how I feel!

I have searched and searched for information to explain what Algorithms are, there are many different types of Algorithms, too numerous to mention. I am only interested in the Algorithms relating to SEO’s. I have learnt that Algorithms process information through precise instructions with a precise list of precise steps and is then stored for further processing.
To recap on what we have covered so far, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the amount of visitors to a site by designing the site content so that the site ranks high in the search results of a search engine such as Google, Alta Vista, Bing, MSN, Ask, Lycos to name but a few.

The higher a Web site ranks in the results of a search, the greater the chance that a user will visit that site. We are all basically lazy and don't want to spend time clicking and scanning tons of pages of search results. It is critical where a site ranks in a web search for directing more traffic towards your site. SEO helps to make sure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine.

A search engine sends out a spider to fetch as many documents as it can. Then another program, called an indexer, reads these documents and makes an index based on the words each document contains. Each search engine uses a unique proprietary Algorithm to create indexes so that hopefully only meaningful results are returned for each query.

These indexers compute the keyword density.

Keyword density refers to how often a certain word appears in a given document. It’s given as a percentage. Let’s say you have a site about baseball bats. A keyword density of 7% on “baseball” on that web page means that out of 1000 words, 70 of them are “baseball.”

Thursday, August 13, 2009


As I have said before a spider finds websites/web pages once you have typed in a phrase or keyword, it then downloads and stores the page to another program, called an indexer. Everything has to be indexed otherwise chaos would reign. So every web page the spider collects with all the keywords and phrases that you have typed in for the search are stored altogether for future use.

The search engine sifts through the millions of pages recorded in the index to find matches to a search and ranks them in order of what it believes is most relevant.

Once the page is stored by the indexer HTML tags and store links are removed. The content of the page is then broken down and put into sections and is stored online in a database so that when you request a search on your keywords the results will come from there.

However it is much more involved than that and the following article will explain it more fully. I will chat about ALGORITHMS the next time I'm on this Blog.

"After a Search Engine spider or robot has found, downloaded and stored the page another program, called an indexer, processes the page using its own proprietary algorithm.

A search engine indexer will carve the page up into its various components removing all the HTML tags and store links in a queue. The contents of the meta keyword tag, description tag, titles, headings, links, body copy, bold, and italic are analysed. Some indexers compress the page by removing stop words; finally the much cut down page is stored in an online searchable database.

The indexer uses a complex mathematical formula or algorithm to analyse and weight key areas of a page. Every indexer uses a unique algorithm and these algorithms are constantly being modified and bettered by the search engines to filter out Spam and to ensure that the most relevant pages get better rankings.

Because of the unique nature of these algorithms a page 1 listing in Lycos does not guarantee a similar listing in Google or any other search engine."

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This article is free to reproduce but must be reproduced in its entirety & this copyright statement and link to Indiciumweb must be included.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More on KEYWORDS...

Today we are going to talk some more about keywords. This is a very interesting subject and one that we will all have to get to grips with. Keywords let the search engine know what topics are relevant to your site.

Try to be as specific as possible, and avoid overly broad keywords. The description provides an explanation of the content on your website. The description is often shown under the title of your website when it is listed on search engine results. Try to write the best description possible, since you are competing against all the other search engine results that the user sees!

"SEO" is the latest buzzword in marketing. It stands for "Search Engine Optimization" and focuses on getting more hits to your site through search engine result click. We all need visitors to our sites but the way we go about it is important and crucial to our success. SEO is the process of increasing the amount of visitors to a site by designing the site content so that the site ranks high in the search results of a search engine.

An easy way to improve your site's ranking on the search engines is to write a good title that will catch the eyes of your prospects.

Obviously the higher a Web Site ranks in the results of a search the greater the chance that a user will visit the site. People are basically lazy and if it isn't there in front of them at the touch of a click they will not search.

It is crucial where a site ranks when a web search is being carried out and important as WE NEED more traffic to be directed to our sites. The SEO helps to make sure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine.

As we have already said spiders are at work. When we type in a word or phrase the search engine will send out a spider to fetch as many documents as it can find. However more needs to be done with the information that has been searched and retrieved. Another program called an indexer reads these documents and makes an index based on the words each document contains.

To us this is all very clever and we have since learned that search engines have a unique algorithm...whats that we hear you say algebra or what... so next time we write we will talk more about indexers and algorithms that is if I can understand it....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Have you got Google Adsense yet?

We have been reading all about Google Adsense and we have learned that spiders are in full force, they are the key to getting your listing higher up in Google. Keyword rich is the only way to feed these spiders!!! So you need to be putting information on your website with the right keywords in.

You can find the keywords by looking at
type in a word or short phrase (we used home business) that you want to use on your website home page and then you click "Get keyword ideas". This then populates a list which shows you -Keywords related to term(s) entered - sorted by relevance

Then there is a second list - Keywords related to term(s) entered - sorted by relevance

These lists gives you the following results
Local Search Volume: June
Global Monthly Search Volume

This is an excellent tool for you to use and will help you improve your list of most requested words and phrases when people search for the time of product you have on your website.

The spiders go for words on various pages that you will have on your site. You need to keep them close together but can only repeat them for 3 - 7 times per 100 words so you need to increase your keywords so that the spider will keep looking.

As we learn all about these critters we will let you know more too.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Rules of Google AdSense Riches

1. Understanding Google AdSense.
Once you design a website, you will contact the Google AdSense program. They will request information about your website and then give you a code to use. You insert the code as directed on your website and almost magically ads will appear on your website that are very close to or right on your subject matter. It works simply.

2. How Google AdSense works.
Google charges the individuals that place the ad a certain amount. When someone clicks on the ad, visits the website and/or makes a purchase, the Google AdSense program credits your account with part of the fee. The benefit of this is that it is all automatic. You don't have to track down individuals to pay for their ad space nor do you need to worry about having ads there. Some ads are worth far more than others and you can even research this and develop websites around these high paying ads.

3. Increase Your Google Earnings.
To make more money everyday with Google you want to limit the number of Google AdSense ads to 3 or less per page. The more ads you have on a page the less they begin to pay. It benefits both you and Google to have the highest paying ads showing up on your page.

You want to blend your ads into the page. People have become blind to ads on the internet. They just do not care about them. By blending your ads into the page you've a better chance to get them clicked on. This may mean using a white border.

4. Track Your earnings.
Check your stats periodically. You want to see your click through rate and your cost per click. By knowing how many visitors it takes to get a click and how much you are making per click you can decide if having a Google Ad on that page is worth it or not.

Make sure the ads that are coming up are relevant to the page. If not consider if you have content that is bad, or if your meta tags are set up wrong. Maybe even your header graphic has a bad alt tag.

Wolex Akinloye is a webmaster and a passionate blogger. Well, he likes to think he is anyway. All you have to do is have a website or a blog up, right? His Blog is all about Google riches, precisely how to make it big with Google. He has some experience with them and what he doesn't know, he learns. He has spent the last several days trying to figure out a way to make money on his website and Blogs. He has some traffic coming to the site already and is working on building that. But, he has heard of a program that can give him additional profit by doing very little. And, it was something offered by Google which means it has to be good, right? visit his blog to learn more useful tips.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Google Adsense and much more

Well another day has dawned and I have yet again tackled Google Adsense... SENSE being the operative word. I tried and tried but just couldn't make sense of it at all even though I listened to the tutorials and read the e-books, however I have grasped the nettle and been able to make progress and have managed to find the code and have placed it onto one of my websites.

The trainingwithmary tutorials did make the steps easier to follow. When doing stuff for the first time it always seems difficult and I get frustrated but I have accomplished this task today.

Next I am going to send out emails to a list I have. I want everyone to take a look at the "webcash" websites and have a look at the business opportunity and at the items that can be purchased.

Catchy or powerful headlines are a must and content has to be informative, newsy but not too long as I don't want the reader to fall asleep....

Short and sweet not forgetting to put in my links will be the key to success.

The reader will be able to look at both sites and read my blog as I want to promote this aswell.

Monday, August 3, 2009

My Story

It is now day 6 of placing posts on my blog. We have learnt a great deal but realise that we know nothing!!!

Today we have looked at my website and have added My Story, not about us we hasten to add, but about my skepticism of businesses on line. However we have come to the conclusion that we really do know nothing and have everything to learn. This latest website has everything including videos and tutorials and we have been following them very closely and are in awe that we have been able to successfully add the blog to the website and articles along with additional information through the sites back office.

You should really take a look at this opportunity. They practically take you by the hand and lead you through all the motions of getting started.

So we will be in touch again very soon with snippets of us and our fascination with all things "internet".

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How You Can Go From Failure to Success With Your Home Business

Starting a home business is as scary as is it rewarding. If we're honest with ourselves at the very beginning (especially after the newness wears off and it wasn't an instant success) you're at a crossroads of some sort. It's like it's a inner civil war going on inside of you. There's an equal part of you that wants to quit as there is to keep going. If in fact you feel like you're failing or you actually are failing, I've discovered a few ways that could turn things around for you.

One way to turn things around is stop being disappointed with effort (unless you've been lazy and haven't been doing anything anyway). What do I mean? As long as you're giving effort you're in the process. Continue with the effort and just tweak it a little each day if necessary. Not to say that you won't need to change your actions at some point if what you're doing isn't working. Just understand that if anyone is making this particular home business opportunity work, then you can. As corny as this may sound, you have got to believe in yourself first before you believe in any business or endeavor.

Another way to go from failure to success is to find a coach or partner that you're accountable to. Not necessarily someone that has a vested interest in your success. I'm talking about someone that will not let you off the hook if you don't follow through on your commitment to complete some agreed upon business activities. This has worked very well in my life. When I was in the military going through basic training is when I realize the power of this principle. There were times during that process that I would've thrown in the towel and quit because I was home sick or the task before me appeared to be too difficult at the time. I befriended a couple of guys while I was in training and they would not let me quit and I wouldn't let them quit. If you don't have that now, then find someone that will be that for you with your home business.

The last way I'm going to discuss has been even more powerful than the other two ways I've discussed. Before I reveal what it is, let me tell you how I stumbled across this concept. First of all, I'm a positive thinking, self help junky. I prefer to be positive than negative. I found a book that transformed my thought process forever. The name of the book is "Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting" by Lynn Grabhorn. The one principle I extracted from her book is how you feel about whatever activity you're engaged in will determine the results you get from that activity". In other words, if you continually associate fear, worry, doubt, etc. with starting a home business, then you're going to hurt your chances of succeeding. You can pick the book up at any bookstore.

Although there's no guarantee that you'll succeed at your online home business or anything else for that matter. If you're failing miserably right now with your home business, I believe that incorporating these tools into your activities will dramatically increase your chances of turning thing s around.

Terrell McClain has a downloadable free report and CD that explains what entrepreneurs should look for in a highly profitable home business at
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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Technology and all that it brings!!

Up until 18 months ago I had some computer knowledge and reasonable typing skills but was pushed into the "virtual world" kicking and screaming by my husband because he had got himself an internet website and asked me if I would take care of this business.

Now I do like a challenge and I am no quitter but the internet is another world far beyond my scope of expertise. So I rolled up the proverbial sleeves and set too.

Him indoors couldn't even switch the computer on, after all he was out on site during the day so didn't have the time, but I have got to say he is very clever and has a lot of foresight always coming up with lots of ideas and questions why this, why that, which stretches me beyond my capabilities.

The reason why we have set up this blog is to keep a record of how we have become obsessed with the "virtual world" and all that it brings.

It has been a steep learning curve for both of us. We have had to learn how to use autoresponders, a doddle some of you may say, but not if you haven't done it before. We have set up Pete's profile. We had trouble with loading the pictures so we will leave it for the time being and get ourselves a lesson or two. We are now going to put our website addresses on this blog and keep everything crossed that they will work.

The internet is a marvellous opportunity for all who can embrace it. We have such a thirst to learn all about this incredible super-highway.

We have a new business as you can see from the links and we want to learn how to get visitors to look at my sites then how to drive even more traffic to my websites and then to get those all important sales. No mean feet by any stretch of the imagination.

A steep learning curve is an understatement, Pete could train to run a marathon in less time no doubt.

We are going to share all the tips and techniques with you as we learn them. Most people fail because they are not given enough access to knowledge.

Well my friends we are telling you as we learn so will you and we do hope that you will share your experiences with us

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Simplicity of Traffic Building With Affiliate Marketing

When a company or individual builds a website they no doubt want to obtain web-traffic. They will want to produce traffic in order to acquire higher profits or to simply gain exposure for their products and services. That is why many online companies will spend hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars each year to spend on traffic building.

Affiliate marketing is a means of producing web-traffic that costs absolutely nothing to implement when done on a company to company or website to website basis. This form of marketing is one of the easiest ways that a company or website can obtain new traffic each and every day. This form of marketing can then produce more profit each and every year for your website.

With you simply work with other websites to advertise one another's products and services. This is generally done by trading image or link advertisements which each website places on their own website. These companies simply advertise one another on each others websites and in turn produce web-traffic for one another.

Traffic building has never been easier than with affiliate marketing. This variety of marketing has been used by millions of websites to produce new traffic every day and to also create new profits. In fact, without affiliate marketing many websites would fail to turn over a profit at all. Additionally, it is the most cost effective means of advertising ever used. So if you want to increase your traffic and profits you should definitely consider affiliate marketing.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website? Here's the answer:

Secret Article Weapon - Download your free ebook now.
Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new ebook.

Secrets To Make Money Online - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.
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Work-From-Home Business Opportunity

There are tons of business opportunities out there that will allow you to work from home. There are certainly no shortage of ways to quit your job and be better off. A common theme throughout all work from home business opportunities is that all of them require a different mindset.

If you go into a work from home business opportunity with an employee mindset you'll get crushed. You need an inner drive that will keep you moving forward.

The employee waits to be told what to do. That's why so many money-making "systems" sell so well. They appeal to the employee mindset by laying out step-by-step exactly what's needed to make gobs of cash and own 54 Lamborghini's :)While a system like that may work in the short term eventually you will hit your ceiling, your market will run dry and then you'll be looking frantically for another system.

I like to compare employees to robots. They have no ingenuity and no innovation they simply follow the 'system' that was created and implemented by the entrepreneur running the company. That's what you need to be. You need to get your creative juices flowing so that you're the one coming up with new ways to do things and innovative ideas that could change the market drastically.

If you approach any of the thousands of work from home business opportunities out there with the employee mindset you're on very dangerous ground. Many of these opportunities require you to invest and if you're not ready to give it your all and unleash your creativity and ingenuity then you'll surely come out in the red and scrambling back to your desk job.

Take control of your life. Stop making money for everyone else. Think big and think forward. Allow the creator within you to create the lifestyle you deserve.

Thrive Learning Institute is a leader in providing individual with executive level business training. For regular updates and articles from Thrive check out their blog Thrive Learning Institute Review.

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