
The List Auction



Link Referral

Traffic Digger

Free advertising

Monday, August 31, 2009


Site traffic is the most important part of having an online business. If you haven't got traffic then you haven't got a business. Traffic drives a customer to view your website look at the products on offer and possibly make a purchase.

A sale means you are starting to create an income for yourself. But this is not the end of the matter, after sales is equally important and emails promoting new products are essential for generating future business and sales. It is important to create a desire in people viewing your site to want to have that item or the lifestyle and building a relationship isn't easy but if you consistently send them newsletters and add personal info about yourself so that they can see that a real and genuine person is corresponding with them this will give you credibility which is very important. But I am leaping ahead and what we need to do is focus on us getting the traffic in the first instance.

All types of advertising need to be done. Classified Ads online, newspapers, handing out business cards, sending emails to all your contacts, advertising on traffic sites, the list is never ending. But these all need to be done so that your website is getting a wide coverage.
Joining forums and other communities spreads the word, writing articles can lead traffic to your site. Use Viral Marketing, exchange and trade links with other sites, it is mind-blowing and it could drive you to distraction but you need to stay focused.

You know how to eat an elephant don't you? ONE BITE AT A TIME and that is what I am learning to do with all of this information. One thing at a time. I have been promoting the website through constant advertising online and from the stats on the website it is filtering through. Not only that but my earnings have increased with Google Adsense. I have now earned £2.63 and I only opened the Google Adsense account in late July. You may laugh and scoff but to me this has been a monumental step in my determination to make a living from my online businesses.

I can see that if I intensify the advertising and the traffic to my sites that I will be able to generate more earnings through Google Adsense.

I have placed 4 traffic website links above.

I use all of these and many more but as I keep looking at this elephant … lets take it step by step. You will need to join all of these. Just click on the banners and they will take you through to the relevant sites.

List Auction – is a list-building and traffic-generating system that helps you build an enormous list of double opt-in prospects looking at your offers. It's FREE to join! You click on links that earn you credits and these credits can then be used to send out an email to all their members on a weekly basis. They have some great tools and videos with easy to follow steps.

Fwebtraffic – This system is free, is viral and fully automated. You place a text advert on this site and then when someone else join their marketing system they have to click on yours and 5 other adverts and view them for about 15 seconds. All the instructions are very clear on how the system works.

TrafficSwarm – A FREE Traffic Generated system. Sign up, view other sites click and earn credits and you can place your ads into your FREE account and when others click on your website the credits are deducted.

Link Referral – There is free traffic, reviews and more on this site. Have you got a blog, website, personal page or affiliate link? You can promote all of these on Link Referral. You receive written visitor feedbacks on this site. Again it is FREE to join.

This is what all those others marketers have done to drive traffic to their websites and this is exactly what Donna and I are doing each and every day. No slacking you can't afford to stop... no trafficking means no sales means no earnings. The math is quite simple really.

More from me in a couple of days.

I would really like to know what you all think about this information, is it of any help? You can contact me at

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