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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Algorithms and more

We have had a hectic week this week as our two young nephews came to visit us. They go on the computer and do allsorts with it. They have no fear and laugh when things don't go right for me and my wife.

The image on the profile was a doddle to upload but adding an image to this post has been difficult and we have failed miserably. But we are determined and will try and learn all about adding images to the blog and will let you know how to do it once we have mastered the art.

My internet connection has been down for most of today which is a bit of a bummer. Have you ever felt like tearing your hair out well right now that’s how I feel!

I have searched and searched for information to explain what Algorithms are, there are many different types of Algorithms, too numerous to mention. I am only interested in the Algorithms relating to SEO’s. I have learnt that Algorithms process information through precise instructions with a precise list of precise steps and is then stored for further processing.
To recap on what we have covered so far, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the amount of visitors to a site by designing the site content so that the site ranks high in the search results of a search engine such as Google, Alta Vista, Bing, MSN, Ask, Lycos to name but a few.

The higher a Web site ranks in the results of a search, the greater the chance that a user will visit that site. We are all basically lazy and don't want to spend time clicking and scanning tons of pages of search results. It is critical where a site ranks in a web search for directing more traffic towards your site. SEO helps to make sure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine.

A search engine sends out a spider to fetch as many documents as it can. Then another program, called an indexer, reads these documents and makes an index based on the words each document contains. Each search engine uses a unique proprietary Algorithm to create indexes so that hopefully only meaningful results are returned for each query.

These indexers compute the keyword density.

Keyword density refers to how often a certain word appears in a given document. It’s given as a percentage. Let’s say you have a site about baseball bats. A keyword density of 7% on “baseball” on that web page means that out of 1000 words, 70 of them are “baseball.”

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