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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Advertising, Banners and more

Have you tried to place a banner on a website?

We are constantly advertising and promoting on the internet and are about to take out a Press Release to promote our business

Getting lots of traffic to our Site is our aim! With advertising on a regular basis the traffic is increasing and I am learning the technique of promoting this blog too. I have been learning about placing a banner on my site, where to place them, how to place it and have also been looking at ebooks as giveaways for people signing up to my autoresponder.

This is all very new for me and the week starts and ends before I feel as though I have completed my tasks.

I have another blog called with My Story featured on it and it promotes the 24 Hour Web Cash Site.

I use Traffic Swarm and Link Referral on my own website called The Traffic Swarm site is for anyone who needs massive amounts of traffic delivered to their own websites on a consistent basis... for absolutely FREE!

Using their system on a daily basis will enable your sites to be seen by thousands of potential prospects 24 hours per day, 365 days of the year! And of course, you will also get to see thousands and thousands of interesting sites yourself.

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