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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Best SEO Tools - Knowledge & Common Sense

I want to preface my comments by saying I am always interested in keeping up with the latest trends in SEO and Search Engine marketing. Certainly there are many great thinkers and marketers with cutting edge ideas and concepts. However, over the past 15 years two things have remained the same. Knowledge and Common Sense have always produced results.

You can get overwhelmed with the 150+ items that Google looks at when ranking a site. You can read the pros and cons of page rank and get caught up in taking one side or another. In the end, it comes down to this; if you follow the top five rules, you will have success. The first issue with that is that most people do not know what those rules are (Lack of Knowledge). I am going to spell them for you here...not necessarily in order.

1. The Right Keyword(s) campaign
2. A URL or file name with those keywords: First word being the most important. Example: or bankruptcy-attorney.html
3. A Title rich in Keywords; There is a reason the word "Home" has such huge result numbers in the search engines. Most people make a homepage which they simple label HOME. How tragic is that?
4. Content rich in Keywords. Google would lead you to believe Content is King. Who am I to dispute? I will tell you is that it is a BOT that determines this. Content rich in Keywords is important. Spamming words does not work. My suggestion is write your own fresh content and when you are through writing go back through it and look for opportunities to use your keywords where they make sense. Hopefully this has happened naturally.
5. Link Popularity - The hardest one because it actually requires work. Reciprocal Links no longer work. Who links to you, and their importance are what matters most to the search engines.

Following these 5 rules will put you ahead of 90% of the field. That's 80% knowledge 10% common sense and the other 10% is skill.

John Fazio is an expert in the field of Lead Generation. His powerful Demand Lead Generation program is helping clients of all sizes from various industries.

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