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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Always look on the bright side......

Today I got up thinking what am I doing here, what direction should I be taking to help my search for making money while doing home working, the usual stuff really. My thoughts are that I want to become successful and lead the life that others only dream about and to that end I am absorbing everything I can about the methods used to get traffic to my website, to load up with keywords and to get that elusive adsense code working in my favour.

Today I have copied an item on positive thinking and since reading it I have realised that I am very fortunate as I enjoy what I am doing, I can work at my own pace and lets face it not everyone can say that.

The True Power of Positive Thinking

The power of optimism is not a new subject. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, author of "The Power Of Positive Thinking," became a pioneer in the self-improvement industry. He helped millions to believe in themselves and achieve success and happiness by harnessing the power of positive thinking coupled with positive action. He taught that the mental attitude of seeing the bright side of life is just another word for faith and is a topic that is always wrapped together with spiritual cultivation.

Positive thinking is one of the most important things you need to practice throughout your life. It is a way of living and a technique that you need to incorporate into your daily life if you have any intentions of changing things or accomplishing your goals.

When our attitude and behavior is positive, we allow only pleasant feelings and constructive images to work in our mind. We also visualize in our inner eye, what we really want from our life and how it should happen.

Although the mind is naturally predisposed to positive thinking, it doesn't like to change its thought patterns, and often subconsciously sabotages any attempts for looking on the bright side. When it's not natural, but forced, the results, at best, will be limited, temporary, and self-deluding. The true power of positive thinking is that it allows you to live life to its fullest potential without letting negativity bring you down.

Start with this simple exercise: Every evening, reflect on the positives of the day. Optimism is a mind-set that you must nurture like growing flowers. People with a positive frame of mind think about possibilities, growth, expansion and success.

Positive thinking is a huge personal asset and the key to success. Changing your attitude to look at the positive side of every situation is the best thing you could ever learn to do.

Kimberly C. Smith is an aspiring writer with a different perspective. Visit to browse a variety of interesting topics. Join this growing community FREE by clicking

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