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Saturday, August 1, 2009

How You Can Go From Failure to Success With Your Home Business

Starting a home business is as scary as is it rewarding. If we're honest with ourselves at the very beginning (especially after the newness wears off and it wasn't an instant success) you're at a crossroads of some sort. It's like it's a inner civil war going on inside of you. There's an equal part of you that wants to quit as there is to keep going. If in fact you feel like you're failing or you actually are failing, I've discovered a few ways that could turn things around for you.

One way to turn things around is stop being disappointed with effort (unless you've been lazy and haven't been doing anything anyway). What do I mean? As long as you're giving effort you're in the process. Continue with the effort and just tweak it a little each day if necessary. Not to say that you won't need to change your actions at some point if what you're doing isn't working. Just understand that if anyone is making this particular home business opportunity work, then you can. As corny as this may sound, you have got to believe in yourself first before you believe in any business or endeavor.

Another way to go from failure to success is to find a coach or partner that you're accountable to. Not necessarily someone that has a vested interest in your success. I'm talking about someone that will not let you off the hook if you don't follow through on your commitment to complete some agreed upon business activities. This has worked very well in my life. When I was in the military going through basic training is when I realize the power of this principle. There were times during that process that I would've thrown in the towel and quit because I was home sick or the task before me appeared to be too difficult at the time. I befriended a couple of guys while I was in training and they would not let me quit and I wouldn't let them quit. If you don't have that now, then find someone that will be that for you with your home business.

The last way I'm going to discuss has been even more powerful than the other two ways I've discussed. Before I reveal what it is, let me tell you how I stumbled across this concept. First of all, I'm a positive thinking, self help junky. I prefer to be positive than negative. I found a book that transformed my thought process forever. The name of the book is "Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting" by Lynn Grabhorn. The one principle I extracted from her book is how you feel about whatever activity you're engaged in will determine the results you get from that activity". In other words, if you continually associate fear, worry, doubt, etc. with starting a home business, then you're going to hurt your chances of succeeding. You can pick the book up at any bookstore.

Although there's no guarantee that you'll succeed at your online home business or anything else for that matter. If you're failing miserably right now with your home business, I believe that incorporating these tools into your activities will dramatically increase your chances of turning thing s around.

Terrell McClain has a downloadable free report and CD that explains what entrepreneurs should look for in a highly profitable home business at
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