
The List Auction



Link Referral

Traffic Digger

Free advertising

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The money is in the list...

We continue to use as many different aspects of advertising as we can. As I have already said we use safelists and we also use software to send out many emails at one time. List Auction gives you credits when you click on members emails. Add these up and once a week you can send out an email promoting your business. When you join you add a link to your account and that is promoted to other members.

Your credits get used and you continue clicking to add more credits ready for the next mailshot. It is a good idea to change the email so that the recipient will not get bored.

Traffic Swarm is another such system. Promote your business, click for credits and the number of credits are reduced as other members of Traffic Swarm click on your ad. You can also join a lottery with Traffic Swarm and you could be a winner and then your ad will get a wider coverage as you will have more credits to use up.

We are also using a software system called Becanada. You can promote up to 15 websites and then in rotation you can send emails promoting your businesses to a variety of classified ads.

You receive confirmation of the ads sent. There may be 800 email addresses on the list but they are sent out to further lists and that 800 can finally be 1,400.

The cynics among you may say how do you know that the ads are being sent out. Well we have received enquiries from people requesting further information, which is confirmation that they do go out.

We spend a lot of time advertising in the hope that we will in turn be able to make some sales.

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